
doha, one year later.

Extremely hard to believe my stepfather and mom have been living in Doha, Qatar for just over a year now. December 21st, 2008, we first stepped foot on Qatari soil...and by soil I mean sand. Believe me.
Such a different world from our western hemisphere, but nonetheless welcomed by us as a new place to explore and collaborate with. And, as my mother has found, the city here is one with which to collaborate and compromise. 
Growing vertically and horizontally (the latter at a surprisingly alarming rate), I feel the city is still searching for it's identity. Something that will give it an edge, so as not to remain in the shadow of its more grandiose (and more unsustainable) gulf sisters. 

This illustration was done after my first visit to Doha. I look back on it a year later surprised at the resolution and accuracy of some of the spaces. It focuses on the parts of the city hugging the water-- where I spend most of my time. The absurdity of the illustration is not very far off from the actual appearance of the city. While astoundingly impressive, the city still seems to make me chuckle when viewed from a plane. 
Where else can one see so many hapharzardly "designed" structures all bunched together...as if reluctantly getting ready for some obligatory skyscraper family photo. Sears portrait studio, anyone?

1 comment:

  1. Absolutely Amazing detail. I had not seen this before. Doha leaves an impression on anyone who visists. You have really captured it with your sketch. Wonderful
